Saddled Up and Ready to Ride

Our Readin’ Rodeo summer challenge is saddled up and ready to ride! Some of you know exactly what we’re talking about and you’re ready to go (yee-haw!). If you don’t know what we’re talking about, keep reading so you don’t miss the fun.

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Whooah, we’re half way there

Can you believe it? Since March, big changes have taken place and we’re now halfway done with our construction project. If you’ve seen our recent photos, it looks less like a demolition area and the new design is coming to life. Now you can see the shape of the plaza and new features at the rear of the library coming to life. Keep reading to see photos and find out what’s next.

Continue reading “Whooah, we’re half way there”

Let Us Shower You

Are you a parent of a newborn? Expecting? Let us shower you with fun and freebies! This Saturday is our second annual Community Baby Shower and we hope you’ll drop in. It’s kind of like a traditional baby shower – food, games, fun – but this is for everyone and we bring in a group of really helpful guests that you’ll be glad to meet.

We all need a little help

We’ve brought together as many community partners as we can fit in the room and they’re all here for you and your new bundle of joy. Each partner has free resources, information and guidance to help you and your little one. From healthcare, to car seat safety, to literacy, these partners are focused on helping you parent successfully in all areas.

You can drop in anytime from 11 am through 12:30 pm. Have some refreshments, talk to experts, get freebies, gather some resources and contacts. Play a game if you’re up for it! Siblings are welcome, so don’t worry about a babysitter.

Who doesn’t like prizes?

On top of the freebies, we have some great door prizes and three grand prize bundles that you can win. Anyone who attends is eligible for the grand prizes and If you play a game, you get an extra entry. We’ll draw the winners at the end and contact you, so you don’t have to hang around waiting for an announcement. These are the sweet prize bundles you could win. Which one could you use the most?

Our Community Baby Shower is a great opportunity to make connections with local partners who can help you navigate parenting. Drop in, have some fun, get some freebies, and find a solid connection to help that you probably didn’t know existed.  You’ll be glad you did.

Hoping for 1,924 birthday gifts!

When you have a birthday, you generally get the gifts, right? This year is the 100th birthday of the library’s 1924 building but we’re not asking you to give us gifts. Instead, would you give a birthday gift to the Center of Hope? Keep reading and we’ll explain.

Continue reading “Hoping for 1,924 birthday gifts!”

An afternoon to remember, together

Have you made a plan to watch the total solar eclipse on April 8th? We’ve planned a watch party from 2pm to 4pm and we hope you’ll be there!

On April 8th, join us on a big grassy lawn for our Eclipse Watch Party. We’ll have music, free eclipse glasses, and for when it gets really dark – glow sticks. It’s all happening at the site of the former RHS building, at the corner of Clinton and East Main Streets (for all you ice cream lovers, that’s right next to Dairy Queen). The city has graciously let us use the lot for the afternoon. They will be shutting down motor access to Clinton Street, which helps greatly with safety at the watch party.

Continue reading “An afternoon to remember, together”

Bending and Stretching With Us

Work has started in earnest and as of late today, our back entrance is closed. Tomorrow, the construction crew will put up some safety fence, designed to keep the work inside and to keep you safely outside the work zone.

Safety First

The library will stay open during this construction project but we all need to pay extra attention to construction signs, cones, and boundaries. The signs and boundaries are there to keep you safe but still give you access to the library. It’s a juggling act to keep the library open while it’s also an active construction zone.

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It All Starts With a Seed

We have lots of unusual things (that aren’t books) that you can borrow at our library: cake pans, traffic cone kits, museum passes, board games and more. But something new and a little different is coming to the library this Spring – seeds! We’ve planned and prepared throughout the winter and soon we will launch the seed library at RML.

Continue reading “It All Starts With a Seed”

Great News! (But where can I park?)

The mild weather prediction for winter held true and this means that soon you’ll see work begin on our landscape renovation. Enviroscapes, a company in Louisville, is the contractor performing the work. They’re ready to go and have set mid-February as a starting date, June for completion.

Continue reading “Great News! (But where can I park?)”

Shared Moments are Special

When someone gets their first library card, an angel gets his wings.”

Apologies to Frank Capra, but really, can’t you feel the joy in this photo?

This little one knows how to start the New Year off right. They got their first library card and mom sent this photo to us 🥰 (thanks, mom). A first library card is a pretty special moment and certainly one to celebrate! If you think it’s exciting for them, know that it’s also exciting for us.

Continue reading “Shared Moments are Special”

Time for Taxes (Again)

Sigh, it’s that time of year again. Not just time for frigid weather but also time to get ready for filing your income taxes. Last week, the IRS announced that Monday, January 29th officially opens this year’s tax season. Not as much fun as some announcements, but it is important for most of us. If you prepare your own income taxes, the library has long been one of the places that helps you find what you need. Here’s how we can help you get through this year:

Continue reading “Time for Taxes (Again)”